Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Back cover mock up

1 comment:

  1. Nicely constructed Liam with some good understanding of the genre and of the medium chosen,

    WWW- a particularly good tagline with a nice layout

    EBI- You need a 'blurb' on the reverse of the packaging which give a brief synopsis or summary of the game.

    Show me- In your finished product, ensure that there is a blurb. You could also do with some user reviews and on the front cover, I am concerned about the lack of a character. A character would make the genre even clearer and would also give you the chance to create the mise-en-scene more clearly. You must be prepared if you choose to go without a character to justify that decision but you can take it from me that you will have a hard job to convince an examiner that it's not a rouse to simply avoid having to take a picture of someone in costume!!
